Monday, January 9, 2012


Just got home from dance class! It was great except I was so exhausted, my moves were sloppy so i'm sure I looked horrible. But i'll try really hard to improve.. I think I'm going to start practicing in the morning along with doing my normal morning excerisises which i've deffinatly NOT been doing lately because I'm a lazy teenager. I'm actually going to really really put an effort into waking up tomorrow... I swear I don't even remember my alarm clock waking me up when my mom comes in and yells at me because i'm running late... it's some kind of black magic! I think my kind of friend allison is mad at me because I didn't pay much attention to her today but you know what I have other friends... like how old are we again?? ajhfdlsog ughhh it's so annoying .. but whatever no big d it's not like it's greatly affecting either of our lives in any significant way haha OH so today was our first day back and OMG you think the teachers might take it a little easy on us but NO literally every class aside from math(thank god) gave homework today, I'm completly done my science, almost done history, done 1/2 of my art assignments and I still havn't started part 2 of my book for english so i'm kind of screwed but i'll work it out :D MUAH xoxo

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I found the coolest thing ever today, a website called! I can't even describe how cool it is, just go check it out. I start school tomorrow and i'm dreading it! on the plus side I'm not sick anymore :D that old dry toast remedy has never let me down !!! My darling lauren came over today, she's literally like my sister and is deffinatly a part of our family, my brother and I have been friends with her since diapers so yeah, her and my brother are best friends :) it's so cute our families always joke that they will be married one day,,, I hope so haha :D today was a good diet day I think, I deffinatly paid a lot more attention to my meals today which was nice ! I didn't make it onto the treadmill but I did walk my dog for half an hour and then went for another walk with ben (brother) and lauren to go skating so that was fun ! I usually hate walking at night but this wasn't too bad :) Actually now that I think about it maybe school won't be so bad after all, I get to see you know who so maybe it's worth it :D<3 MUAH xoxo

Friday, January 6, 2012


Today was a great day, a pretty normal boring day at first but this evening I went to see my aunt, uncle. cousin and her son, it was great, her baby is literally so chubby and adorable ! and now i'm talking to my crush which is always fun :) haha I ate a lot of chocolate tonight though but hey everyone is aloud to cheat sometimes right ? ;) So my art stressing me the hell out !!! but seriously who the hell gets stressed about art projects I mean really.. oh well thats me I guess. I think i'm down another lb which i'm pretty sure is still because i'm sick but whatevs :D there's really not much to blog about tonight sorry ! MUAH xoxoxo

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I started off my day today with the scale, down 3 pounds !!!! it's an amazing feeling, I started doing HIIT or high intensity interval training, it's not even half as bad as I thought and i'm already down 3 lbs but it also might have to do with the fact that i'm sick haha still a lb is a lb right? :D I want my dance classes to start up again ASAP! Dancing is like a drug I swear haha you jjust want to do it all the time ! and I'm one of those people who can't keep still and am always bouncing my leg so I've been shaking and figiting like a crack addict for the past 2 weeks, my teacher had a tendancy to cancel on us a lot and it sucks hard core but I mean everyone has a different life so why should I think that she has nothing better to do? although the reasons she canceled on us are because she was sick so I can't complain. Schools starting in just a few days and I still need to finish up 2 presentations for my art course and although I have one almost done, the other one I don't even know what to do for it so I'm pretty much screwed..wish me luck! muah !