Sunday, January 8, 2012


I found the coolest thing ever today, a website called! I can't even describe how cool it is, just go check it out. I start school tomorrow and i'm dreading it! on the plus side I'm not sick anymore :D that old dry toast remedy has never let me down !!! My darling lauren came over today, she's literally like my sister and is deffinatly a part of our family, my brother and I have been friends with her since diapers so yeah, her and my brother are best friends :) it's so cute our families always joke that they will be married one day,,, I hope so haha :D today was a good diet day I think, I deffinatly paid a lot more attention to my meals today which was nice ! I didn't make it onto the treadmill but I did walk my dog for half an hour and then went for another walk with ben (brother) and lauren to go skating so that was fun ! I usually hate walking at night but this wasn't too bad :) Actually now that I think about it maybe school won't be so bad after all, I get to see you know who so maybe it's worth it :D<3 MUAH xoxo

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